Helping Hotel Owners Profit in Today’s Increasingly Complex World of Hospitality.

Five Stars

Building Strategic Roadmaps for Hospitality Industry-Focused Technology Solutions.

Five Stars


Published books on hotel management, finance, sales, marketing, labor trends, technology and F&B, all in a day’s work as industry thought leaders!


New properties launched, relaunched, rebranded or reflagged (not to mention numerous onsite restaurant launches to support rooms revenues).


Successfully completed Teams & Tech evaluations since the start of the pandemic, helping hotels ramp up team productivity by defining a roadmap for innovation, organizational restructuring and AI deployment.


Speaking engagements and conference panel discussions around the globe for both of our principals, with Larry focusing on labor and modern luxury and Adam on hotel tech and wellness.


Hotel property operating plans analyzed. (a guess at quantity)

Marketing plans delivered. (maybe more; we’ve lost count)

Hotel and resort websites built. (we stop counting at 100)

HSMAI awards for marketing and communications excellence.

(again, we stop counting at 100!)


Articles published in hospitality trade journals over the past decade, making us among the foremost authors in the hotel industry (with all articles available free of charge in the Learning section organized by category).

Awarded Top 100 Hotel Blog
